Ich habe nach langer Zeit mal wieder einen Fragebogen bekommen. Da er ausnahmsweise relativ überschaubar ist und neue Fragen hat, habe ich ihn dieses Mal nicht ignoriert sondern beantwortet:

1. Total amount of music files on your computer:
1,2 GB - I just looked it up and have to say that I'm quite stunned. Never thought, I'd have this much music on my notebook...

2. The last CD you bought was:
Just yesterday I bought "Sailing to Philadelphia" from Mark Knopfler. I adored this song since I heard it for the first time but I always forgot to buy... ;-)

3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message? "Don't look back in anger" from Oasis - I simply love it!

4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
A song that means a lot to me? That's definitely "It's my life" from Bon Jovi (but the slow version from 2004!). And here are five songs I listened to the last few days:

  1. "Don't look back in anger", Oasis
  2. "Wonderwall", Oasis
  3. "Bohemian Rhapsody", Queen
  4. "Don't stop me now", Queen
  5. "Sailing to Philadelphia", Mark Knopfler

Tanja Banner

Tanja Banner (geb. Morschhäuser), Online-Journalistin und Bloggerin mit Interesse an Social Media, Astronomie und Raumfahrt. Bücherwurm. Fan des FC Bayern. Pendlerin. Online-Redakteurin bei der Frankfurter Rundschau.

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