Würde mich jemand fragen, was mein absoluter Queen-Lieblingssong ist, hätte ich riesige Probleme, schnell zu antworten. Oder besser: Ich könnte diese Frage nur mit einer Liste der 20 besten Queen-Songs beantworten, mich auf einen festzulegen geht einfach nicht. Und da ich heute nach meinen Lieblingssong von Queen gefragt wurde, gibts hier meine Top-20 (alphabetisch sortiert, da ich mich einfach nicht entscheiden kann...):
- Barcelona
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Don't stop me now
- I want it all
- I want to break free
- Is this the world we created
- Killer queen
- Love of my life
- Made in heaven
- No-one but you
- One vision
- Princes of the universe
- Radio gaga
- Spread your wings
- The show must go on
- The great pretender
- Too much love will kill you
- We are the champions
- We will rock you
- Who wants to live forever
Dann wären da natürlich noch "A kind of magic", "A winter's tale", "Bicycle Race", "Crazy little thing called love", "Driven by you", "Fat bottomed girls", "Friends will be friends", "Good old-fashioned lover boy", "Hammer to fall", "Heaven for everyone", "I'm in love with my car", "I was born to love you", "It's a beautiful day", "It's a hard life", "Keep passing the open windows", "Las palabras del amor", "Let me entertain you", "Living on my own", "My life has been safed", "Now I'm here", "One year of love", "Play the game", "Save me", "Sheer heart attack", "Somebody to love", "Thank god it's christmas", "The invisible man", "These are the days of our lifes", "Under pressure", "You don't fool me" und viele weitere mehr. Ich kann mich einfach nicht entscheiden ;-)
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