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Schlagwort: Lyrics of the week (Seite 3 von 3)

Lyrics of the week – Savage Garden

Diese Woche: "Mine" von Savage Garden

the colors of the wind

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Judy Kuhn, "The colors of the wind" - Pocahontas-Soundtrack

To be with you

"To be with you" - ich liebe diesen Song von Mr. Big einfach. Kriege ihn nicht mehr aus meinem Kopf heraus und möchte ihn am liebsten die ganze Zeit vor mich hinsummen. :-) >> Lyrics

Destination Anywhere…

Ich bin gerade am Packen für mein München-Wochenende und spätestens jetzt hat mich das Reisefieber endgültig gepackt...

"Destination anywhere
Name the place and I'll be there
Pack a bag and we're out of here - let's run
Destination anywhere
Left or right, I don't care
Maybe we'll just disappear like the sun"

© Jon Bon Jovi ("Destination Anywhere")

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